Our oceans contain about 40,000 Giga tons of C in the form of CO2, compared to atmosphere (600 GT), vegetation (700 GT), soils (1600 GT) and accessible fossil fuels (about 1600 GT); oceans thus contain almost 10 times the CO2 of all others combined!
Oceans are the largest ‘carbon sink’ – a vital buffer against the impacts of climate change as it absorbs 25 percent of all carbon dioxide emissions and captures 90 percent of the excess heat generated by these emissions.
The ocean holds 60 times more carbon than the atmosphere and absorbs almost 30% of carbon dioxide (CO?) emissions and acts as a key to the global carbon cycle.
The oceans could ultimately absorb around 95 per cent of the anthropogenic emissions.Sub-seabed sequestration of CO2 involves transferring captured CO2 and storing it long-term in marine sub-seabed geologic formations.