CliDemy - The Climate Academy - climate education & skilling

8S @ CliDemy

This section of 8S framework provides input on the Schools stakeholder segment.

For whom the education is the most effective? Without a doubt, for school children.

And the sooner we start the education for them, the better.

But enabling effective climate education at schools is much easier said than done owing to a number of structural & legacy challenges at schools.

Clidemy’s work at schools will evolve over a period of time, as we embed ourselves, make trials and learn from the feedback.

Broadly however, the following are some starting points / perspectives we have when it comes to climate education for schools:

Organize hands-on workshops that are sustained over a period of time

Initiate efforts to teach the teacher on climate action topics as most of them are not
aware of these.

Involve the parents too in the climate education efforts of their children.

Leverage technologies and concepts such as gamification, virtual reality, etc to make education fun and enriching.