CliDemy - The Climate Academy - climate education & skilling

Solution Providers
8S @ CliDemy

This section of 8S framework provides input on the Solution Providers stakeholder segment.

Climate action is not exactly new, though it has expanded vastly in the last few years both in terms of the dimensions that need to be considered as well as the diversity of solutions proposed.

Today, the climate solution providers comprise a large and growing market worldwide. What type of education will be the most effective for them and for their customers?

Our extensive work with the solution providers in the past fifteen years suggests that providing guidance to them in identifying the right end user target segments (especially for new & emerging solutions) and helping them position their solutions to quickly penetrate the markets are two valuable “educational” assistance for this segment.

The Clidemy team has already started working on the initial pilots with the startups and the solution providers in this context.