CliDemy - The Climate Academy - climate education & skilling

8S @ CliDemy

This section of 8S framework provides input on the Industry stakeholder segment

The industrial sector is one of the largest contributors to the greenhouse gases and the climate change.

What type of education can make a real difference to this stakeholder segment?

We consider three approaches that the industries can undertake climate action:

  • Renew - use of renewable and low carbon sources and inputs. This approach is already being followed by many industries
  • Redesign - rethinking many of their current processes and business operations such that they are able to provide same value but with dramatically different production, operations & support components
  • Reset - drastically changing their entire business models and business foundations to go low carbon.

At Clidemy, we feel we can add most value by providing guidance and education to industries on the second approach - Redesign.

Our plan is to provide support for redesigning business & operational processes for the top 20 emitting industries.