Arun Sriram – NutriQuo Foods – on Climate Education – Cli5 @ Clidemy
Cli5 is an effort to get valuable feedback from a wide range of stakeholders about their perceptions about climate education and their suggestions for improving it.
In this post, Arun Sriram, CEO & Founder of NutriQuo Foods provides his insights to the five questions on climate education.
Why do you think most ordinary people know so little about climate change and related domains?
- The impact is a little slow and not directly observable or attributable – although extreme climate events are increasing.
- The distraction of economic and other challenges make climate seem like a lesser issue
- Its not a part of mainstream news coverage
What types of topics within climate change or sustainability would you like to get educated on, or learn about?
- Which are the bigger challenges?
- Which can be more directly improved with action?
- What is under control of an individual or specific organization to make a positive impact
How can we make schools teach more climate education to children – both primary & secondary school children?
- Climate action can be added as an important part of science education. A more holistic environment related module as part of science textbook can help.
- Special events, activities and programs in schools
What role do you think governments should do about climate education?
- Include the topic on curriculum
- Run events and contests at school, college and community level thru agencies
Are you aware of climate related jobs? If yes, what careers are you aware of?
- Conservation and environmental protection services
- Climate and sustainability impact assessment and improvement managers and leadership roles in large corporations