CliDemy - The Climate Academy - climate education & skilling


Clidemy aspires to provide effective climate education to a billion people by 2030. Now, that’s a humongous number.

Two key words stand out: Effective & Billion.

We realized very early in our design that effective climate education needs an approach that is customized and innovative. What’s needed? A different education design.

We also realized that reaching a billion people is simply not possible if we follow a do-it-all-yourself approach. What’s needed? A different approach to achieve scale.

Design for effectiveness

Clidemy approaches climate education with a framework we call the 8S framework in which we transform climate education from a “nice to have” to a “must have” for the key stakeholder segments. You can get to know more about the 8S framework from here.

Achieving scale

How do you reach a billion people in a fairly short period of time and deliver differentiated value? By leveraging channels, expertise and infrastructure that’s already available, and by optimizing the economic for our offerings. You can know more on how we plan to do these from the following sections.


Clidemy will place a high emphasis on partnerships for the entire value chain of its offerings.

In other words, Clidemy will evolve to being a large platform where many experts and climate education stakeholders can interact and add value to each other.

Organic Content

While the Clidemy team will invest in setting a context and framework for content, in the future, most content will be derived from experts in our network rather than from the Clidemy team.

This is perhaps the most optimal route for content as climate action is a vast domain with specialty knowledge required in a few thousand domains, making it impossible for any one company to do justice. Aggregating and curating the wisdom of crowds is perhaps the only feasible pathway.

Intensive Domain Research

The Clidemy research team, leveraging the significant background of its founders in climate tech consulting and market intelligence, will invest significantly in undertaking research & analysis in order to set the context and backbone of the education platform.

Analysis & Analytics

Our platform will continuously use a mix of human analysis and digital tools based analytics to arrive at the right types of offerings and the related business processes for both online and offline operations.

Free & Paid Model

As our goal is massive - educating a billion people by 2030 - a model that works on fee-based courses alone might not be able to get us the scale. Clidemy will hence use a combination of free education content and fee-based offerings.