Climate 101

Climate 101 @ CliDemy provides you with detailed answers and insights on important and interesting questions on climate change and global warming.

How is global warming affecting poor countries?

Global warming is mainly a result of the rich boys’ (and girls’) club enjoying their lives thoroughly and comprehensively. Even if you come from the developed world, you will surely agree to this, whether or not you like the fact. But look at how unfair the world is. While the effects of a warming planet are expected to be harmful […]

Climate 101

Climate 101 @ CliDemy provides you with detailed answers and insights on important and interesting questions on climate change and global warming.

Could the ozone layer depletion be causing global warming?

The ozone hole is not a cause of global warming. The ozone hole is an area in the stratosphere above Antarctica where chlorine and bromine gases from human-produced chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and Halons have destroyed ozone molecules and left a hole. Global warming is the rise in average global surface temperature caused primarily by the build-up of human-produced greenhouses gases, mostly […]

Climate 101

Climate 101 @ CliDemy provides you with detailed answers and insights on important and interesting questions on climate change and global warming.

If water vapour is a key greenhouse gas, why is its abundance in the atmosphere not causing concern?

It’s true that water vapor is the largest contributor to the Earth’s greenhouse effect. On average, it accounts for about 60% of the global warming effect! However, the truth is, water vapor does not control the Earth’s temperature, but is instead controlled by the temperature. Let’s look at this in more detail. The greenhouse effect that has maintained the Earth’s […]

Climate 101

Climate 101 @ CliDemy provides you with detailed answers and insights on important and interesting questions on climate change and global warming.

What is climate finance and what is its role in our fight against climate change and global warming?

It’s all nice to talk about many interesting solutions to reduce CO2 emissions, but it is an entirely different story when it comes to walking the talk. Because implementing any of these solutions depend on two aspects: Technical and Economic Feasibility. Interestingly, the technical feasibility of a wide range of solutions needed to abate greenhouse gas emissions is fairly well established. The economic […]

Climate 101

Climate 101 @ CliDemy provides you with detailed answers and insights on important and interesting questions on climate change and global warming.

How will climate change affect rainfall?

Will climate change and global warming increase or decrease rainfall? An interesting question, but there’s no straight answer. A warmer world intuitively seems to suggest reduced rainfall, but as we will see in this post, it is not necessarily so, and it could be quite the opposite! So far, any impact that climate change may have had generally on regional rainfall cannot […]

Climate 101

Climate 101 @ CliDemy provides you with detailed answers and insights on important and interesting questions on climate change and global warming.

Does air pollution affect global warming?

Air pollution occurs when the air contains gases, dust, smoke from fires, or fumes in harmful amounts.  They are also released from natural processes such as volcanic eruption. Tiny atmospheric particles, called aerosols, are a subset of air pollution that are suspended in our atmosphere. Light, white aerosols reflect solar radiation, making the air and Earth surface below them a […]

Climate 101

Climate 101 @ CliDemy provides you with detailed answers and insights on important and interesting questions on climate change and global warming.

How much CO2 is currently in the atmosphere?

The extent of CO2 in the atmosphere is measured in terms of PPM, which stands for Parts Per Million. In 2023, the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is estimated to be around 420 PPM. That is, for every millions parts (by volume) of the atmosphere, 420 parts are those of CO2. (In terms of total amount of CO2 in the […]

Climate 101

Climate 101 @ CliDemy provides you with detailed answers and insights on important and interesting questions on climate change and global warming.

What is a carbon footprint and what is its relevance to climate change and global warming?

If the whole world is slogging it out to reduce carbon emissions, it will be nice to have a metric by which such emissions can be measured, wouldn’t it? Enter Carbon Footprint. A carbon footprint is a measure of amount of greenhouse gases produced directly and indirectly by human activities, usually expressed in equivalent tons or Kg of carbon dioxide (CO2). In […]

Climate 101

Climate 101 @ CliDemy provides you with detailed answers and insights on important and interesting questions on climate change and global warming.

How will global warming and climate change impact water security?

Global warming and climate change could in fact bring back an old stating back into circulation: “Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink” Fresh water is crucial to human society – not just for drinking, but also for farming, washing and many other activities. It is expected to become increasingly scarce in the future, and this could at least […]

Climate 101

Climate 101 @ CliDemy provides you with detailed answers and insights on important and interesting questions on climate change and global warming.

Do volcanoes contribute to climate change and global warming?

Interestingly, volcanoes can have both a cooling and warming effect on the planet’s climate. When volcanoes erupt, they emit a mixture of gases and particles into the air. Some of these, such as ash and sulphur dioxide, have a cooling effect, because they (or the substances they result in) reflect sunlight away from the earth. Others, such as CO2, cause […]